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Our Salon Waste

Updated: Dec 16, 2021

Always a hot topic in our every day lives. Waste, Rubbish, Refuse and at the Fine to Fabulous Hair & Beauty Salon we create a lot of waste from hair clippings to foils to packaging. We want to do our bit for our planet and become a more sustainable salon. Therefore, we have teamed up with Green Salon Collective to manage our waste, with excellent initiatives, we can go a lot further than our current recycling options.

Share the Cost

Making sustainable choices today often means going against the grain of our current systems, or entrenched habits. Most people understand that it often requires additional effort and costs. By working with Green Salon Collective, not only are we lessening your salon’s overall impact on the environment, but we are also helping our customers to alleviate their individual impact each time they choose to book an appointment with us, instead of going to a salon that isn’t doing the same. This guarantee is an added benefit and we feel our clients will appreciate. Therefore, we have a "Green Fee" of £2 added to every booking in our salon from the 1st November 2021. Our recent research has shown the our clients are very receptive to this small surcharge and our information on our website and links to Green Collective Salon demonstrate its value.

We hope that you would support us in this decision and feel the peace that your visit to the Fine to Fabulous Salon is making a big contribution to our planet.

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